You are traveling around Vietnam but you are in an emergency that you need help. Who should you call and how to call in Vietnam?
On the supposition that you are injured or attacked when traveling in Vietnam. You need help so you take your phone and dial, but to whom you should dial. That is the big question. Here is a useful list of emergency phone numbers that you should keep in mind or save in case you need it.

Emergency phone number
Police: 113
Ambulance: 115
Firefighter: 114
Search and Rescue Team around the country: 112
Directory Assistance: 116
International Operator: 110
General Information Service: 1080
Consultancy Service: 1088
Area codes of big tourist cities in Vietnam
It should be noted that Vietnam has changed the area codes for the whole country; hence, some old information has not changed the phone numbers yet, then you should be careful to dial the numbers accurately. Here is the list of area codes of some tourist cities in Vietnam that you should know.
Hồ Chí Minh City: 04 => 024
Hà Nội: 08 => 028
Đà Nẵng: 0511 => 0236
Quảng Nam (Hội An): 0510 => 0235
Huế: 054 => 0234
Lào Cai (Sapa): 020 => 0214
Sơn La (in Northern VN): 022 => 0212
Ninh Bình: 030 => 0229
Cẩn Thơ: 0710 => 0292
An Giang: 076 => 0296
Bến Tre: 075 => 0275
Quảng Bình: 053 => 0232
Asking for help in Vietnamese
There is a fact that the number of Vietnamese people who can speak English is limited. Therefore, learning some simple words or sentences for help is not a waste. Of course, Vietnamese is not an easy language to study as quickly as possible, but you should try your best as you do your homework. Here there are!
Cứu: Help!
Tai nạn: Accident
Cướp: Robber
Bệnh viện: Hospital
Cảnh sát: Police
Bệnh: Sick
Xe cứu thương: Ambulance
Lửa: Fire
Cháy: Burnt
Bị thương: Injured