Trip Planner
For whom?
You are planning to Vietnam, but you have to spend a lot of time to find the good-quality hotels to stay, means of transportation to travel around, restaurants with good price to avoid being overcharged. Moreover, the number of Vietnamese people speaking English is not high, then you might find it hard to communicate when travelling around. Don’t worry, we are here to help you out!
How Trip Planner?
The way to book our Trip Planner is not difficult with some simple steps below.
First, send us your information as detailed as possible. The information includes when you do your trip, which means of transportation you want to use, where you want to visit, which kinds of accommodation you want to stay, whether you want to arrange private cars, which kinds of restaurants and what you want to try, Vietnamese or Western food, vegetarian… The most important information is your budget.
Second, after receiving your information, we will design a suitable trip for you. Then we will quote a final price to you. Please be noted that the list will not be sent to you in this step.
Finally, if accepting our trip planner, let the payment process be done. Then, we will send you the list of the places, hotels, restaurants, recommended transportation. Don’t forget to review again our trip planner and if you have any consideration, please contact us via phone or email.
Why Trip Planner?
Being a perk of locals is that we know everything better than others. Being travellers, we know how it hard to make a plan when visiting a country with different cultures and traditions. Therefore, our goal is to help our friends around the world to have an amazing trip in our country and think no more to be cheated by bad guys. Moreover, our trip planner is always available before and during your trip in Vietnam to support you anytime you need.