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Vietnamese tropical fruits: guides to explore what and how to eat!

One of the must-things to try is eating Vietnamese tropical fruits which you might not find anywhere else in the world. Don't hesitate to buy some fruits you like and try them after reading this blog!

Thanks to the location in the tropical zone make the country diversified when it comes to Vietnamese tropical fruits. It is believed that tropical fruits are found to be very nutritious, providing rich sources of carbohydrates, vitamins (especially A and C), minerals, and fibers. Thanks to the typical weather conditions, the fruits’ colors are vivid, eye-catching, such as red, yellow, and orange. Furthermore, some might explore that tropical fruits in the South are different from the North of Vietnam since some of them can be grown in a specific region. In general, Vietnam is one of the heavens of tropical fruits. Let’s explore and learn how to eat them!

One of the best Vietnamese tropical fruits - Durian

Vietnamese tropical fruits

For the people like it, this is the king of fruits, but for some, its smell is like “turpentine and onions, garnished with a gym shock”. At first, some might get scared of its cover as it is thorny and heavy, and of course, you can feel the smell its smell when you see it. Don’t be scared! Thornier outside, sweeter inside. Since it is hard to cut durian off, some vendors can do it for you and separate it into segments if you want. Or simply buy a separate package of durian displayed at the stall. It should be noted that the price for 1kg of durian is not cheap in general. Eat all and remove the seed, then you will not feel the terrible smell anymore.


Vietnamese tropical fruits

The smell of jackfruit is contrary to durian. Some might like its smell when trying it. There are several kinds of jackfruit in Vietnam, but the most common is the one which is big, sometimes, very big. Therefore, people usually sell a small part of a whole jackfruit or just some segments which are immediately edible. The cover of jackfruit is also thorny but it is not so heavy and thick like durian is. Remove the cover and the white parts, choose the yellow parts only to eat, then throw out the seed. Some Vietnamese people keep the seeds and boil them to eat, of course, it is edible.


Vietnamese tropical fruits

One of the most popular tropical fruits around Vietnam. There are also several kinds of mango, such as green mango, yellow mango, and Thai mango. In general, mango is easy to eat. Cut the cover off and remove the seed, only eat the yellow flesh. For green mango, it is quite sour that Vietnamese people eat it with sugar fish sauce or Vietnamese salt. In some places, people eat mango with sticky rice.


Vietnamese tropical fruits

You can find watermelon everywhere in Vietnam. It is divided into round-shaped watermelon, oval-shaped watermelon, or normal watermelon, non-seed watermelon. It is believed that when you knock the watermelon and hear a clear sound several times, it is edible, if not, it is still green and young. Remember to remove the seed of watermelon as it is not good for your digestion system. When we were little, Vietnamese parents always reminded us that if we eat the seed, the plant will grow inside our bodies, and of course, we always believed. Such a funny story.


Vietnamese tropical fruits

Vietnamese orange, surely some might think that since they are family. The cover of tangerine is orange but it is smaller than orange. Some are sour but some are sweet. This fruit is usually used to display for worshiping thanks to its colored cover and small round shape. Again, remove the cover and the seed, seriously, and enjoy. You can separate it into small segments and share it with your friends.


Vietnamese tropical fruits

One of the most typical tropical fruits in Vietnam. Actually, it is not as famous as mango as ambarella is a seasonal fruit, that is in the dry season. Its seed is thorny and big which might make it difficult to eat. Some vendors will cut it all off for you and arrange it beautifully in a package and sell. It is good to eat ambarella with Vietnamese salt. Recently, young ambarella has been loved by Vietnamese people which is easier and smaller to eat.


Vietnamese tropical fruits

Rambutan is famous in the rainy season, especially from April to July. This red-colored fruit is attractive and pretty. There are some kinds of rambutan, long-hair, short-hair, or Thai rambutans. It is sweet and sour. Remove the cover and the seed, then enjoy how sweet or sour it is. It should be noted that tropical fruits are hot, which means hot for your inner body actually. If you eat them a lot, you might feel the hot stream inside your body and some might get acne on the face. So, remember to suitably enjoy even though they are delicious.


Vietnamese tropical fruits

The thickest cover of the fruits beside durian. If someone throws mangosteen at you, you might get injured. It is joyful: how ugly and thick the cover is, how beautiful and white the inside flesh is. You can use the knife to cut the cover off, or if you want to show off your power, just do it. There is a tip for you, make around and use your power to take the cover off. However, remember not to use your full power since the inside flesh can be impacted and get more bitter.


Vietnamese tropical fruits

With rambutan, longan is also the seasonal fruit, especially in the rainy season. It is small and round-shaped with light yellow color. People usually sell a bunch of longan at a quite expensive price, but sometimes quite cheaper. Again, you should remove the cover by your hand, not your mouth since it can be influenced by the pesticide and dirt. Enjoy and remember to throw away the seed unless you want a tree growing up in your body.


Vietnamese tropical fruits

One of the most beautiful shapes of fruits. This is also popular in summer or in other words, the rainy season. Normally, lychee is exported from the North of Vietnam, but today, thanks to the development of technology, it can be grown in the South of Vietnam. The way to eat lychee is the same as longan and rambutan.

Custard Apple

Vietnamese tropical fruits
Custard apple

The bumpy green cover with white flesh and hard black seeds inside. Trying this, you might be careful with the hard seeds since it is numerous that is quite difficult to remove immediately. If you buy an unripened custard apple, you can keep it with rice, the most common way of Vietnamese.


Vietnamese tropical fruits

The most popular way to enjoy avocado is trying its smoothy, which you can find everywhere in the country. Recently, the avocado ice-scream is famous for teenagers originated from Đà Lạt. Moreover, one kilo of avocado in Vietnam is quite expensive in different seasons.


Vietnamese tropical fruits

This fruit is believed only to be found in tropical zones, especially in Vietnam. The fruit is sweet and soft when it is ripened. Remove the dark yellow skin and enjoy the flesh and remember to remove the hard black seed. Sapodilla has had several folklores in the past. Also, it is one of the most famous smoothies of Vietnamese beverages. However, you cannot keep sapodilla for a long time. And if you buy unripened sapodilla, you can also keep it with the rice.


Vietnamese tropical fruits

One of the most famous fruits for diet for girls since you might get full when eating papaya. Cut off the skin and the seed carefully to remove the bitter parts of the papaya and enjoy the flesh. It should be noted that papaya cannot be kept in the long term since it might get bitter when it is over-ripened.

Dragon fruit

Vietnamese tropical fruits
Dragon fruits

One of the most common fruits to be displayed for worship. Different from other fruits, their seeds can be eaten because it is very tiny and sticks to the flesh. Remove the pink cover of dragon fruits and enjoy the flesh.

*Please don't copy and re-up the post as it is the effort of the writer*




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